The Wealthy Woman Podcast

The Wealthy Woman Podcast

Hosted by: Erinn Bridgman

The Wealthy Woman Podcast hosted by Strategic Money Coach Erinn Bridgman is dedicated to helping creative female entrepreneur raise their income and impact and grow their personal wealth. Erinn is trailblazing a...

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36 | DREAM to Reality Your Multiple Income Streams with Elizabeth McCravy

Who doesn't want to enjoy the benefits of passive income? It's the dream to make money while you are sleeping. Elizabeth McCravy shares her journey towards passive income as a web designer in today's episode of the WW...
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35 | Working through a BUDGET like a BADA$$

If budgeting makes you cringe, you need to listen to today's podcast to understand how budgeting is actually a superpower for the entrepreneur! Let's take away the negative connotation surrounding budgeting and make...
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34 | Our Way to Wealth with Tia Goff

Do you want to get involved in real estate investing? What better way to learn than following along our conversation with Tia Goff? We answer the questions you may have through her curiosity! Tuning in will give you a...
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33 | Getting your brand dialed in with Steph Weber

When someone asks about your brand, do you automatically think about your font and color palette? If you do, you aren't alone! But a brand is SO MUCH MORE than that. To truly understand what a brand is, how it works...
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32 | Unpacking the power of Woo with Emily King

If you want to learn from an expert in the industry, you want to hear from Emily King. She's been in the coaching business for a while now and has graciously agreed to share some of her knowledge and expertise with...
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31 | Making marketing work for you with Casey Taylor

No matter what business you have as an entrepreneur, you need a marketing strategy. How do you know what platforms to use and what will work best with your personality? Casey Taylor is here to walk you through all...
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30 | Setting Healthy Habits with Amanda Foust

The little habits we do every day make us who we are. Don't buy the lie that you can't change your habits. You can teach an old dog new tricks! Amanda Foust is our guest today sharing with us the power of habits and...
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29 | It all started with Sweat Equity

If you've ever been tempted to believe that we've made it where we are through dumb luck today's episode will shatter that assumption! We've literally done whatever it takes to succeed and get where we are today....
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28 | Change Your Brand With Effective Social Media with Whitney Kay

It's great to learn from someone who knows what's up. When it comes to marketing, Whitney Kay knows her stuff! She has been in the industry for 15+ years and graciously agreed to share some of her expertise with us!...
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27 | Using Pinterest To Expand Your Wealth with Ashley Greeno

It's possible that you have a valuable marketing tool at your fingertips and you don't even know it. If you want to learn about the power of Pinterest beyond pinning pretty pictures, today's episode is for...
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26 | The 18k That Changed Our Lives

Are you ready to build for your retirement as an entrepreneur? Guess what - being an entrepreneur doesn't come with a retirement plan so you have to create your own! We are on our way to "retiring" in the next 5...
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25 | Why It's Harder to SCALE a Business Than To START a Business with Tiffany Napper

Are you finding it harder to scale your business than it was to start it? If you have started your business and are looking for ways to make it sustainable, today's episode is for you! Scaling your business can be...
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