STOP waiting for the "right time" to get your numbers in order and START taking your finances as seriously as you do the rest of your business.
Gain financial confidence and take the taboo out of your relationship with money (and how you manage it).
Tell Me More!
Does this sound like you?
Is your creative business booming but you feel embarrassed by the financial side of your biz... so you either ignore your numbers, let your partner handle it all, or outsource without taking a second look? (You’ve gotta know those numbers too, girl.)
Do your finances feel like the secret “skeleton in your closet” you hope no one ever sees? (including your own two eyes!)
Maybe you LOOK successful on the outside, but don’t FEEL successful on the inside because your business numbers seem chaotic, scary, or out of control?
The Good News: Money doesn’t have to feel like the biggest obstacle in your business. Instead, it’s time to make it one of your greatest assets!
What if knowing your numbers could mean…
- Strategizing your money instead of being paralyzed by it
Taking the big vacations and knowing it’s paid for
- Having money to invest while still having a cushion in your bank account
- Be prepared + ready in time for tax season without waiting until the last minute (and NOT have an unexpected tax payment *yikes!*)
- You could outsource more work and scale faster because you KNOW you have the funds
- Start to pay yourself a consistent salary rather than pulling out money you need on a whim
- Begin to set personal financial goals that your business is able to MAKE HAPPEN!
All of that feels motivating, right? We can agree the need to overcome your money problems is clear, but the path (and hurdles) to actually doing it can feel unclear ...
until now ...

Work With Me
1:1 Coaching Program
Become the master of your money so you can achieve your dreams, status, impact, and create the lifestyle you desire!
For a while now, I’ve seen that there is a massive need for creative entrepreneurs to tackle their numbers once and for all! Too many incredible creative entrepreneurs are letting their money mindset and management hold them back from achieving MORE!
I will never forget sitting at an Amy Porterfield conference filled with 100’s of female entrepreneurs who were asked to raise their hands if they knew the numbers inside of their companies. I was shocked to see only a few dozen hands raised our of HUNDREDS.
Knowing your numbers is a huge part of a healthy company! And here I was...surrounded by so many amazing, successful women... many of whom were sitting uncomfortably with their hands down — admitting this was a big gap in their business.
Your relationship with money does not have to be uncomfortable or filled with shame.
You are successful...and money is a BIG part of that success. But something is keeping you from digging in. Most likely it’s because you’ve made it this far without doing it.
To put it’s “worked!”
Maybe you’ve hired a bookkeeper or you let your partner call the shots. It’s not been “necessary” to go beyond that, but here’s the hard truth...
Your business is surviving but not thriving and you're leaving some of your BIG dreams on the table.

Meet Your Coach:
Hi! I’m Erinn Bridgman!
I believe wealthy women will change the world.
(And that YOU can be one of them!)
I’ve always believed this... even as a child. I was told things like, “Erinn, it’s like you think money grows on trees!” Because I knew from a young age that abundance was available to me.
Money never stopped me from getting what I wanted. In one of my first jobs, I knocked on doors selling books to pay for college (ranking in the nation’s top 10 amongst 100’s of booksellers). And soon after, while working in higher education, I started my first 6-figure business because I was tired of being paid pennies in my 9-5! This pattern continued in the pursuit of more!
And in the midst of going after what I wanted...claiming abundance...I realized I needed to get a better grip on budgeting and organizing my numbers.
I knew it was a necessary part of my biz, so I found creative ways to move out of un-comfortability with numbers by creating a robust system, practical tools, and beautiful spreadsheets (yes, aesthetics are everything *wink*) to help scale all of our businesses to 6-figures and to empower my coaching clients to do the same with their businesses, too.
Working with numbers is now my sweet spot (even as a creative entrepreneur).
The tools I offer in my coaching are proven systems that I created from my own genius and have seen transform every single one of my clients’ finances.
I know they can help YOU too!
Let me help you bridge the gap between free-flowing creativity and nerdy, data-driven numbers so you can stop having a love/hate relationship with such an important piece of your biz.

"I feel so empowered by the numbers in my business instead of being afraid of them! Through managing the numbers and money in my business, my husband and I realized that if we budgeted, we could actually afford to build our dream house!!! It is extremely thorough and HANDS ON when it comes to organizing your money through all of the in-depth spreadsheets. The spreadsheets alone are worth the investment."

Quianna Marie
"$15k collected in only a little over 2 months, PLUS another $20k with booked/incoming sales throughout the year on top of that!"

"Now that I understand all my numbers, I feel like my goals are more reachable. I was very 'ignorant' about money going into this and feeling so much more confident and in control relieves so much stress of running a business."
Here's what you can expect with me as your coach:
- I cover both mindset AND management because one without the other puts you back into the exact cycle you’re trying to break. You need both.
- Completely shift your mindset around money from feeling shame, indifference, or fear to feeling incredibly abundant and capable!
- Receive a toolkit that includes resources you will use for years and years to come. (These sexy spreadsheets and money guides do a lot of the hard work FOR you. You just have to show up and plug and play).

P&L Spreadsheet
The Profit and Loss Sheet allows you to see a month-by-month breakdown of every dollar you spend and make in your business and prepares you for an easy hand-off to your CPA for taxes! (Easy taxes?!? YES! It's possible!)

CFO Spreadsheet
This tool allows you to analyze, forecast, and understand your cash flow, and set and raise your salary. It puts you in the CFO seat of your biz so you can make powerful decisions based on projections you wouldn’t know otherwise.

Personal Money Mastery Spreadsheet
Allow your company to fulfill your personal wealth goals by setting a monthly budget, creating an annual short-term savings plan, and determining your big financial goals. Get ready to pay off your debt, save for your dream house or vacation, or give generously to organizations you care about!

Abundance Tracker
Set a manifestation goal and grow in gratitude through daily tracking of the monetary abundance you attract.

Sacred Money Archetypes Assessment
Learn the gifts and challenges of your money mindset and management based on this assessment.

Money Mindset Journal
Weekly prompts and challenges to allow deep reflection & transformation for your money mindset to shift and flourish!
Don't just take my word for it...

My revenue has quadrupled! I think that speaks for itself. I knew I had a model that could be profitable, but had no idea how to transform it. We worked over a year together and I can safely say I attribute our strong model and growth to Erinn’s support. I was able to maximize existing revenue streams, identify new ones and build out a team structure to support them. We also worked together to ID some general needs in the support structure of business {web needs, marketing, etc} and made adjustments there as well!

I just have to say how floored I am at the wealth of knowledge that Erinn has in the business world. Erinn knows her stuff! I have been in her program for about three months now, and you can just tell that Erinn has a passion for helping her clients show up every day and be the best version of themselves. Erinn’s foundation in her coaching program is rock solid, and even with just mindset shifts, I am seeing some amazing growth personally and in my business. I am very proud to have taken a leap of faith in her!

Since working with Erinn, I've hit income goals, scaled my business, + added three additional streams of residual income. I've grown my business team, launched new programs and offers, and gained tremendous clarity. I've learned how to implement systems that are saving me time + energy, and I've gained a completely new outlook on my business. Erinn is exceptional at helping people make huge shifts in their businesses + helps them run far and wide with that momentum. She's changed my life!
Money is a superpower! Learn to use it to your advantage.
Don't just MAKE's time to UNDERSTAND and STRATEGIZE so you can make your big dreams a reality!
Apply TODAY!