14 | How Investing/Building Personal Wealth Will Actually Make Your Business Grow with Natasha Rankin

Have you ever wondered how you ended up with the money relationship you have? What events shaped your thoughts and ideas about finance? Today’s podcast is all about understanding your money journey!  No matter who you are or what your background is, part of your money relationship was determined from a young age. You take the good and bad with you as you grow through life. As Natasha shares her story, you can learn from her example how to come to terms with finances and leverage that to work within your business.

Natasha is a business mentor and wealth expander for spiritual women. Right now she is dialed in on an accelerated program called the Sensitive Business Academy which aims to help coaches and healers find the sweet spot of scalability. As a mom of a toddler, Natasha knows the importance of a healthy work/life balance and helps her clients manage a 20-25 hour work week and maintain profitability. From corporate life to real estate broker, to where she is now, her journey is an excellent example of the importance of owning your relationship with finances.

We talk about: 

  • How the early years shape your view of money
  • The importance of resting to find your true peace with finances
  • Battling through fear to show up and be visible in your business
  • Being curious about what brings you discomfort 

Follow Erinn on Instagram, @erinn_bridgman

Follow Natasha on Instagram, @thenatasharankin

Rich As F*ck by Amanda Francis


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