1 | 7-Step Framework To Change Your Money Story with Beka Steele

What if building your wealth could be as comprehensive and practical as building a house??

If you are an entrepreneur looking to get savy with your finances, today's episode is for you! We are privileged to have Beka Steele guest today and share her 7-Step Framework to change your money story.

Beka Steele is a recovered shopping addict turned financial guru. Because she has had to walk the steps of rebuilding her financial mindset herself, she is able to help other mom entrepreneurs do the same. A fellow Indy dweller, Beka has spent the last 8 1/2 years building her business alongside her husband. They love being their own bosses and have added a new little boss to the mix in their daughter!

In this episode, we talk about the 7 Step Framework to help you become the Wealthy Woman you are meant to be!

Follow Erinn on Instagram, @erinn_bridgman

Follow Beka Steele on Instagram, @bekasteele

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50% Complete

Two Step

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